The kiwi vines originally grew form Asian countries, specifically China. The fruit is now grown commercially in most countries, and has been present in a lot of markets such as those of Italy, South Africa, and Chile.
It is a plant that requires long periods of time to grow, and they can withstand temperatures that are a bit cold as compared to other plants. This makes kiwi a versatile plant to grow if ever you are considering of growing kiwi vines of your own. It grows vines in the wild habitat that can reach a good number of feet, combine that with its foliage, and you have quite the plant in your garden.
To grow a kiwi vine, you would need to learn how to water it, how to take care of it, and how to prune kiwi vines for proper maintenance and care. Since this plant can grow long and large, it is important to maintain its shape in the enclosures in which it is planted. They also need other elements and conditions like sunlight, which you should also consider.
1. Kiwi Plant
The kiwi plant is a plant that can survive in places where there is shade. However, since most plants need sunlight to grow and to create their own food to survive, the kiwi plant is also no exception to this.
In order to take care of your kiwi in terms of the sunlight it might need, it is important to put the kiwi plant in a sunny location. You should plant the kiwi in an area where the vines of the plant can intertwine so that it can prevent the plant from moving during strong winds and storms.
When growing kiwi, it also shouldn’t be in a place where the temperatures are too hot. The plant prefers cooler temperatures. Veering from this is detrimental to the health of the plant.
Of course, as with almost any other plant, the soil factors a lot of concern with how the plant grows. It is part of the three main things plants need to survive, along with water and sunlight. The soil is where the plant gets its nutrients that it can’t get from the sun.
It serves as a source of water for the plant, and a place in which the kiwi plant can anchor itself and grow. Plants should be placed out and spaced out up to certain distances, so that they do not interfere with the growth patterns of other plants.
Some plants have a preference when it comes to the pH levels of the soil and the plant planted on such soil. For the kiwi plant, the acidity level of the soil should be at around pH 5. This is important in terms of the nutrients that the plant can receive and its survival rate. The Kiwi plant does not prefer soil that is too salty.
Planting the kiwi plant underneath some soil with the wrong acidity or alkalinity level will inevitably affect its growth. It can hinder it or encourage it too much to the point of unhealthiness. The growth of flowers and fruits will also be affected.
Another important factor to consider is the amount of water it needs to grow. For the kiwi plant, you will need liters and liters of water during the start and during the growth season, since water is regularly needed by the kiwi plant in order to grow.
Watering should be done regularly, which is why it is important that the soil you are using is also well-draining soil. Even though the plant needs a lot of water, you want to prevent the kiwi plant from getting overwatered and drowning. A well-draining soil also prevents the soil from getting too wet, which can cause root rot and will harm the plant. You want the soil moist, not flooded.
When watering, it also helps if the water is spread out evenly throughout the plant, in order to allow it to absorb the water it needs to create the nutrition it requires to survive and grow.
For fertilizers, this can be optional for those who cannot afford it, but if you really want what is best for your kiwi plant, having fertilizers is also good. This should be given to the kiwi plant for a good amount of time during the first few months of its growing season since this is the time it will require such nutrients in order to grow. You might also need to make sure that the fertilizer you pick is also good in terms of its nitrogen levels since kiwi plants need this type of element in order to create the food and nutrition it needs.
2. Kiwi Tree
For pruning, you will need to this every winter. You can start pruning your kiwi tree by cutting the parts of the plant that are pig-tailing off of the shoot of the kiwi tree. You can also cut the shoot that has multiple pig-tails after awhile by using sharp scissors or shears to remove those that connect most of the pig-tails from the main plant and then discard it.
This allow the kiwi vines to grow at a steady and healthy pace, without any worry as to the unutilized nutrients with other processes and parts of the plant. Pruning off the unnecessary parts of the plant ensures that all of its nutrients and other resources go towards the necessary parts, like fruit production or flower growth.
It also helps you keep the size and health of the plant in check. If you want your plant to remain healthy, pruning off the diseased, dead or dying parts of it is essential. If these parts are not removed, you are not only letting the plant waste precious nutrients on them, but you are also risking the healthier parts of the plant. The disease of the unhealthy parts may infect the rest of the plant.
3. Kiwi Summer Pruning
Kiwi summer pruning may also be done if necessary, and if you might have forgotten to do it during the winter, or if you did not have enough time because of a busy schedule. In any case, pruning is always a necessary step to maintaining the health and look of your kiwi plant.
Do not be discouraged if it doesn’t turn out the way you want it to. Sometimes pruning takes a while to get used to, especially for beginners. But with practice and experience, you will eventually find a way to prune the kiwi plant properly and cleanly in order to get the best results with your kiwi plant.
Kiwi Facts
Did you know that kiwi has around 60 different species? Although the plant has its origins from China, it is now cultivated all around the world, at least in the parts where the climate is temperate.
The fruit of the kiwi plant is not only good for the tastebuds but is actually good for the health. It is rich in a lot of vitamins. It is packed full of vitamins C (more than the amount oranges have), K, and E. it is also rich with other nutrients like folate, potassium, fiber and is a good source of antioxidants. Compared to other fruits, the kiwi fruit contains more nutrients per gram of fruit. It is a snack that your body will really appreciate.
If left unchecked, kiwi vines can reach up to 33 feet in length. This is one reason why pruning is important. It can overrun your garden.
Although it doesn’t seem like it, kiwis are actually berries. The fruit has a brown, fuzzy skin (although some varieties of the fruit are hairless), bright green flesh and a circle of seeds around its center.
The Kiwi vine is an interesting plant because it produces the delicious fruit that we know and love to be both delicious and versatile. Knowing how to prune kiwi vines is just one of the first steps to building and planting your own set of kiwi fruits and vines, and it is a helpful skill that can help you create a garden that is home to a variety of fruits like the kiwi fruit or plant.
Thus, it takes a while to get used to learning things like these, but with the right mind set and patience, it will help you achieve what you want to achieve when you start planting.
The Kiwi vine can be a beautiful addition to any home, especially since it can weave around any guided column or post you might want to add the vines too. However, in order to achieve this look, you will need to devote some time and effort to create the perfect atmosphere for these plants, especially since they always need proper care and maintenance.
If you want to know to grow kiwi, check out this instructional post. If you want more pruning tips for your plants, check out this collection of posts.
So learn how to prune your kiwi vine. And start practicing! Happy gardening!