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How to prune weeping cherry tree

How To Prune Weeping Cherry Tree? 3 Facts That Might Interest You!

How to prune weeping cherry tree

The weeping cherry tree is a beautiful addition to your garden, and is known for having a great look when it comes to ornamental design and aesthetic. With white-colored fruits that are small yet elegant to see, the weeping cherry tree is truly a sight to behold. Its branches are also grown in a way that allows for a graceful look, but maintenance and upkeep are also important to make sure that the weeping cherry tree looks its best. The weeping cherry is a beauty but it is a delicate tree and will need a lot of care.

You will need to learn how to water it and how to plant it, as well as how much water it might need and how much sunlight exposure is optimum to allow the weeping cherry tree to grow.  It can be a disease prone tree, which is why learning things like how to prune weeping cherry trees is always a necessity. Thus, you need to learn and read up on the techniques necessary for growing and maintaining the weeping cherry tree.

As mentioned, this tree will really need cautious care on your part to ensure that this not only tree blooms beautifully but it stays healthy throughout its lifetime. Though it may be a thorough care on your part, the outcome is so much worth it. This tree will really take your breath away, especially so much more when you see this tree blooming in its season. Just imagine spending an afternoon under the shade of this tree, blissfully enjoying the cool breeze of spring and the leaves falling leaves in this tree. The work you put in taking care of this tree will be nothing compared to the reward given by it.

1. Weeping cherry tree problems

In order to avoid weeping cherry tree problems, it is important to note the ways in which you should grow the weeping cherry tree in ideal conditions. All trees and plants have difficult complications that might need your attention at some point in time, but starting out with the basics in terms of how to grow this tree is always the best way to create a foundation that is necessary for maintaining the tree at its best. The weeping cherry tree grows best in conditions that are associated with the season of spring. This is common in most of types of trees and plants, since spring is the time when the weather and temperature are more moderate, as compared to the temperatures during winter and summer.

As with most plants, the weeping cherry tree also requires proper consideration when it comes to the factors that all plants need in order to grow, like water, sunlight, soil and fertilizers. These are the basic needs of all plants, since this is where they obtain their nutrition and energy to from the required food that it might need in order to grow and survive. Thus, for the weeping cherry tree, it is important to have soil that drains water easily. This should be the type of soil that does not hold water in excess of what the weeping cherry tree might need, otherwise, it might lead to over watering and the eventual death of the weeping cherry tree. Over watering the tree will cause the roots to drown or cause the roots to rot. Well-draining soil is readily available in the market.

Once you have the soil choice down and you’ve purchased enough soil for your weeping cherry tree to grow, the next thing you should think about after having planted the tree is the amount of water the tree might need, and how often you water the weeping cherry tree. Water is an essential element to all living creatures, which makes it understandable why the weeping cherry tree also needs a good amount of water intake regularly. Thus, for the weeping cherry tree, it is important to water them whenever the weather is dry, or when you notice that the soil in which the tree was placed had already started to dry out. Apply the water slowly, since adding too much water right away can be detrimental to the tree, especially since the weeping cherry tree does not prefer situations wherein the water is in excess of what it needs. Only water the soil once or twice per week in its first few weeks. Make sure the soil should not be completely dry because this can cause the tree to die, just water enough to make the soil moist. If the tree looks wilted, water the tree immediately  

In order to maintain the water around the soil, it also helps to add organic mulch which can help add to the moisture of the soil in which you placed your weeping cherry tree. Make sure the organic mulch is a few inches away from the tree. If the organic mulch is placed right up against the tree’s trunk, it will instead make the tree’s trunk to be too moist which can cause disease and rot. It is also vitally important to recognize the signs if your tree is receiving less or too much water. If you notice your leaves curling, turning yellow or brown, and falling in its blooming season, then this means your weeping cherry tree lacks water. On the other hand, if you notice your weeping cherry tree’s leaves are green but pale and brittle and new branches are wilting, then this means that your tree is getting too much water.

For fertilizers, make sure to add slow-release fertilizers to the well-draining soil for the weeping cherry tree, since this helps provide the plant with needed nutrients and minerals that it might need in order to grow. Adding boosts that only fertilizers can provide can help create a strong foundation for your tree. The best time to fertilize the weeping cherry tree is in early spring, since this is when the leaves start to grow on the branches of the tree. Note that you do not give your weeping cherry tree fertilizers in its first year and only give it in its second year. Giving your weeping cherry tree some fertilizers too early on will cause the tree to grow rapidly which stresses the tree and damage its roots.

2. Pruning weeping trees


Your weeping cherry tree, if allowed to grow on its own, will grow up to 25 feet. They especially grow much faster in the spring and summer seasons, and after only a few years a young weeping cherry tree will grow up to 10 feet. If you want to avoid growing an unmanageable tree in your backyard, you best learn how to prune your weeping cherry tree. Pruning will not only curb its unprecedented growth, it will also help beautify the tree if done in the right way.

Pruning weeping trees is usually done at the point when you have been able to grow the tree to a moderate size, and have become mature over the seasons. Pruning, in general, is a process by which you remove unwanted or diseased portions of the plant. This can be done regularly as in every month, or every year, depending really on the amount of growth of the particular plant you are pruning, and the amount of parts that you want to remove. To prune the tree, all you need to do is remove the unwanted parts as soon as you discover them, regardless of when you do.

3. How to remove a weeping cherry tree

If in case you do not want to maintain the tree anymore and decide to cut it down, you need to first dig around the tree and expose all its roots. Next, you need to break the bark with a shovel or sharp-surfaced object strong enough to do this, then spray the roots with herbicide and remove them once they have died. After this, you will have successfully removed the tree.


Learning and knowing how to prune weeping cherry trees is all part of the process of becoming a tree owner of your first weeping cherry tree. Since this tree is known for being a good addition in terms of decorations and ornamental purposes, knowing how to maintain it and care for it will allow you to own a tree that is worth your while. Having trees that can add to the proper aesthetic and look of your garden can be a good experience, since trees tend to last longer than most plants and are in fact sturdier.

The weeping cherry tree can be a good choice if you are in doubt as to which tree you should plant as your first tree. However, the basics are always something that you should keep in mind, since trees also require constant care and maintenance. There are no shortcuts to planting, especially when it comes to trees.Do you have any thoughts on this subject? Do you have any tips or questions you’s like to share? Comment below. Also, our website also offers other guides as well such as How To Grow Papaya From Seeds and How to Prune Weigela.

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