Go Grow Garden

How to prune basil

How To Prune Basil? A Stepwise Guide To Sky-Rocket Your Production

Basil, the great basil as some call it, is a wonder herb with many amazing benefits. In addition to being used worldwide in cuisines and in your pesto, its oils can be extracted to make an essential oil which can be used for treating cuts, wounds and skin infections. Its other benefits include lowering of uric acid levels, promoting healthy hair growth, cleansing the skin and many more. So, get rolling and start planting basil

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How to prune juniper

How to Prune Juniper? 3 Things You Should Think About!

Junipers are a lovely green bush that gives rise to a thick and lush dark green foliage. It has more than just one species, and is known to have grown in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere. It has also been growing in numerous countries around the globe, among which are the countries of Japan, Canada, and even the United States. They usually grow to around thirty fee high, and have shapes that can be

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How to prune Kalanchoe

How to Prune Kalanchoe? Get Your Plant to Bloom Every Year

Kalanchoe is a genus of flowering plants consisting of around 125 species. These succulent plants bloom in late winter when other plants are mostly dead. These plants are hardy and can survive tough conditions. However, it may turn leggy due to a lack of sunlight. The condition of the plant will improve when you start providing sufficient sunlight. If the leggy structure persists, you will have to prune your plant.  Now pruning is generally not

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How to prune lantana

How To Prune Lantana? Complete Explanation!

Lantana is a popular landscape plant that blooms in many different colors. It is classified as a flowering perennial, however, it is grown as an annual in many cold regions. It can either be grown as a shrub or in a trailing position. It is one of the plants that grow throughout spring and summer up to the fall. Due to its growth cycle of about 8 months, lantana can become leggy if not pruned.

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how to prune kiwi vines

How to Prune Kiwi Vines? Plus 3 Things You Didn’t Know

The kiwi vines originally grew form Asian countries, specifically China. The fruit is now grown commercially in most countries, and has been present in a lot of markets such as those of Italy, South Africa, and Chile. It is a plant that requires long periods of time to grow, and they can withstand temperatures that are a bit cold as compared to other plants. This makes kiwi a versatile plant to grow if ever you

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How to prune weeping cherry tree

How To Prune Weeping Cherry Tree? 3 Facts That Might Interest You!

The weeping cherry tree is a beautiful addition to your garden, and is known for having a great look when it comes to ornamental design and aesthetic. With white-colored fruits that are small yet elegant to see, the weeping cherry tree is truly a sight to behold. Its branches are also grown in a way that allows for a graceful look, but maintenance and upkeep are also important to make sure that the weeping cherry

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